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dc.contributor.advisor Özgan, Christine Akyol, Nurten 2018-03-02T13:17:20Z 2018-03-02T13:17:20Z 2007
dc.identifier.citation Akyol, N. (2007). Teos Dionysos tapınağı frizleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Teos antil{ l{entini M.O. 1080 yIllarmda Athamas'm lmrdugu biliniyor. 12 ion l{entinden biri olan Teos Hellenistil{ donemde ev llarlal{ devrini ya~ar ve bu donemde dini merl{ez haline gelir. Kentin ba~ tanrm Dionysos oldugu ic;:in tiyatro oyuneulan da teosu merl{ez sec;:er ve Teos tiyatronun merl{ezi haline gelir. M.O. 304 yIllmda meydana dellrem sonueu l{ent yIluhr ve hallun birle~mesiyletelu'ar teos l{eti lmrulur. Fal{at Roma doneminde ya~anan delJremler l{enti harabeye c;:evirir. Hellenistil{ devire tarihlenen Teos Dionysos tallmagl da dellremlerden zarar gormesinden dolayl roma doneminde onanhm~tlr. Tallmal{ ion diizenindedir ve llerillteros lliandadir. CellaSI llronaos naos ve Ollisthodomos tan olu~maldadlr.Tallmagm miman Hermogenes olaral{ bilinmeldedir. Attil{ ion l{aide iizerine oturan siitunlar ion ba~IIldldlr.Siitun ba~IIldan iizerinde 3 fasldyeli ar~itrav, friz SlraSl, di~ SlraSl, yatay geison ve sima vardlr. Tallmagm frizlerinde lmnu olaral{ Dionysos ~Olenleri i~lenmi~tir. Frizlerin bir boliimii Hellenistil{ donemde yalHhm~ olUll bir boliimii roma donemine aittir. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract It is knmvn that Athamas founded Teos ancient city \vhen about 1080 B.c. Teos, \vhich one of the 12 ion cities, lived the greatest era in Hellenistic period and it \vas religious centre at that time. Master God of the cit.y \vas Dionv. sos so theatre actors and actresses chose teos as a centre and teos \vas the centre of theatre. Because of earthquake,city \vas destroyed in 304 B.c. and people connected each other and founded Teos city again. But earthquakes ruined the city in Roma period. Teos Dionysos Temple \vas build history in Hellenistik period and it \vas effected earthquake and for this reason it \vas restored in Roma period. Temple is Ionic order and peripteros plan. Cella includes pronaos, naos and opisthodomos .It \vas knmvn that temple's architect \vas Hermogenes. CollUmls \vhich are Attic Ionic pedestal over settled are Ionic collUml capitaL There are three fascia architrave, frieze ro\V, tooth ro\V, honizantal cornise and sima over the coltuml capitals. Dionysos entertahments \vere depicted as a title on temple friezes. Some of the friz \vas build in Hellenistic period and some in Roma period tr_TR
dc.language.iso tur tr_TR
dc.publisher Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü tr_TR
dc.subject Teos Dionysos Tapınağı tr_TR
dc.subject Teos Dionysos Temple tr_TR
dc.subject Friz tr_TR
dc.subject Friez tr_TR
dc.title Teos Dionysos tapınağı frizleri tr_TR
dc.title.alternative The friezes of Teos Dionysos temple tr_TR
dc.type Thesis tr_TR

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